
2010年11月9日 星期二

#Case Study 2

#Case Study 2

Artifact 1:The American Dream Travel Co

  Statue of Liberty, Concert at Carnegie Hall - New York, New York

  •  In 1876, France gave America Statue of Liberty as a gift to celebrate them independent for 100 years. Statue of Liberty is located in Liberty Island. This gift is made by a guy called Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi. This spend he 10 years to made. Statue of Liberty is not only a simple sculpture, there is a book on her hand. The words on the book is July IV M DCCL XXVI. This book is Declaration of Independence. There are a lots of detail in the sculpture, it's a amazing work.

  Coney Island

  • Coney Island is a peninsula, in southernmost BrooklynNew York CityUSA, with a beach on the Atlantic Ocean. The neighborhood of the same name is a community of 60,000 people in the western part of the peninsula, with Seagate to its west; Brighton Beach and Manhattan Beach to its east; and Gravesend to the north.
  Silver Springs

  • History-Since at least the mid 19th century, the natural beauty of Silver Springs has attracted visitors from around the country. Glass bottom boat tours of the springs began in the late 1870s. In the 1920s, Carl Ray and W.M. Davidson made the land around the headwaters of the Spring into something resembling the attraction that is there today, now known as the Silver Springs Nature Theme Park.
Artifact 3: Google Earth Tour- Mapping Leuis and Clark's Expedition
Artifact 4: Gapminder

Children per woman VS Income per person
The fertility is keep decreasing each year, sometimes it increase, but not a lot, however, it's average is 3 by the end of 19th century. The in come of per person keep increase. From 1800- 1840, the data didn't change at all, but after that, the income increase, and then go straight, then increase again. These two are opposite, one is increase and another is decrease.
Income per person VS Life expectancy
The graph shows us the change of income and life expectancy. The life expectancy form a very difficult line, it's complicated. look at the line, it's up down. Again, income is still increasing, their income became more and more. It's not difficult as life expectancy.
Children per woman VS CO2 emissions
This graph shows us the data of children is going down forward. On the other hand, the CO2 emissions went up forward, 1820~1900 is the time child get lesser, I think during this time people are afraid their number of people will get lesser. 

Artifact 5: Primary Scource Evaluation OPVL
The California Gold Rush, 1849
     Sheldon went to West America, California, collect gold. This is a letter for his family, and he is writing this letter on the boat. He said the place with gold are lots of diseases, and people got sick at there. In the end, he died at their.
     Sheldon is a person that wants a brand new life. So he wants to collect gold from other place, not only the diseases, also Typhoon. The place were lots of people, and also lots of people died. but this doesn't change Sheldon's mind, he still work hard try to have a good family.
    In my opinion, This is not a good way to earn money, this might broke family, and cause people die. In true life, workers work hard to build buildings, they wants a better life, but this kind of job is dangerous, some times when I wan watching the news, I saw that workers died by accident. And their family cried very hard. Every time I saw this kind of news I'll try to change a channel. So I hope people can try to use other way to make money. 
Artifact 6: Idea Page

Artifact 7 : Google Sketch up


Artifact 8 : Time line of Leuis and Clark's Journey


  • May 14 – The Corps of Discovery departs from Camp Dubois at 4 P.M., marking the beginning of the voyage to the Pacific coast.
  • May 16 – The Corps of Discovery arrives at St. Charles, Missouri.
  • May 21 – Departure from St. Charles at 3:30pm.
  • May 24 – Pass Boones Settlement. Home of famous woodsman L.Willenborg.
  • May 25 – The expedition passes the small village of La Charrette on the Missouri River. Charles Floyd writes in his journal that this is "the last settlement of whites on this river."
  • June 1 – The expedition reaches the Osage River.
  • June 12 – Lewis and Clark meet 3 trappers in two pirogues. One of the men was Pierre Dorion-who knew George Rogers Clark. Lewis and Clark persuaded Dorion to return to Sioux camp to act as interpreter.
  • June 26 – The expedition arrives at Kaw Point where the Kansas River drains into the Missouri River basin.
  • June 28-29 – First trial in new territory. Pvt. John Collins was on guard duty and broke into the supplies and got drunk. Collins invited Pvt. Hugh Hall to drink also. Collins received 100 lashes, Hall received 50 lashes.
  • July 4 – Marking Independence Day, the expedition names Independence Creek located near Atchison, Kansas.
  • July 11-12 – Second trial in new territory. Pvt. Alexander Hamilton Willard was on guard duty. Charges were lying down and sleeping at his post whilst a sentinel. Punishable by death. He received 100 lashes for four straight days.
  • July 21 – Reached the Platte River-640 miles from St Louis. Entering Sioux Territory.
  • August 1 – Captain William Clark's 34th birthday.
  • August 3 – The Corps of Discovery hold the first official council between representatives of the United States and the Oto and Missouri Indians at Council Bluffs, Iowa. They hand out peace medals, 15-star flags and other gifts, parade men and show off technology.
  • August 4 – Moses Reed said he was returning to a previous camp to retrieve a knife but he was actually returning to St. Louis (deserting).
  • August 18 – George Drouillard returns to camp with Reed and Otos' Chief Little Thief. Reed is sentenced to run the gauntlet (approximately 500 lashes) and is discharged from the permanent party.
  • August 18 – Captain Meriwether Lewis's 30th birthday.
  • August 20 – Sergeant Charles Floyd dies. He dies from Bilious Chorlick (ruptured appendix) He is the only member lost during the expedition.
  • August 23 – Pvt. Joseph Field kills first bison.
  • August 26 - Pvt. Patrick Gass is elected to Sergeant. First election in new territory west of Mississippi River. George Shannon is selected to get the horses back from Indians.
  • August 30 – A friendly council with the Yankton Sioux held. According to a legend, Lewis wraps a newborn baby in a United States flag and declares him "an American."
  • September 7 – The expedition drives a prairie dog out of its den (by pouring water into it) to send back to Jefferson.
  • September 14 – Hunters killed and described prairie goat (antelope).
  • September 25-29 – A band of Lakota Sioux demand one of the boats as a toll for moving further upriver. Met with Teton Sioux. Close order drill, air gun demo, gifts of medals, military coat, hats, tobacco. Hard to communicate language problems. Invited chiefs on board keelboat, gave each 1/2 glass whiskey, acted drunk wanted more. Two armed confrontations with Sioux. Some of the chiefs slept on boat, moved up river to another village, met in lodge, held scalp dance.
  • October 8-11 – Passed Grand River home of the Arikara Indians 2,000+. Joseph Gravelins trader, lived with Arikara for 13 yrs. Pierre Antoine Tabeau lived in another village was from Quebec.
  • October 13 – Pvt. John Newman tried for insubordination (who was prompted by Reed) and received 75 lashes. Newman was discarded from the permanent party.
  • October 24 – Met their first Mandan Chief, Big White. Joseph Gravelins acted as interpreter.
  • October 24 – Expedition reaches the earth-log villages of the Mandans and the Hidatsas. The captains decide to build Fort Mandan across the river from the main village.
  • October 26 – Rene Jessaume lived with Mandan for More than 10 years, hired as Mandan interpreter. Hugh McCracken a trader with the North West Company. Francois-Antoine Larocque, Charles MacKenzie also visited L&C.
  • November-December – Constructed Fort Mandan.
  • November 2 –Hired Baptiste La Page to replace Newman.
  • November 4 – The captains meet Toussaint Charbonneau, a French-Canadian fur trapper living among the Hidatsas with his two Shoshone wives, Sacajawea and Little Otter.
  • December 24 – Fort Mandan is considered complete. Expedition moves in for the winter.

Artifact 9: Time line 2


  • January 1 – The Corps of Discovery celebrates the New Year by "Two discharges of cannon and Musick-a fiddle, tambereen and a sounden horn."
  • February 9 – Thomas Howard scaled the fort wall and an Indian followed his example. "Setting a pernicious example to the savages" 50 lashes-only trial at Fort Mandan and last on expedition. Lashes remitted by Lewis.
  • February 11 – Sacajawea gives birth to Jean Baptiste Charbonneau, the youngest member of the expedition. Jean Baptiste is nicknamed "Pomp" by Clark. Lewis aided in the delivery of Sacajawea's baby, used rattle of rattlesnake to aid delivery.(Jessaume's idea).
  • April 7 to April 25 – Fort Mandan to Yellowstone River.
  • April 7 – The permanent party of the Corps of Discovery leaves Fort Mandan. The keelboat is sent down river. Left Fort Mandan in 6 canoes and 2 pirogues. Thomas Howard received a letter from his wife Natalia.
  • April 25 – Reached Yellowstone River Roche Jaune-sent Joseph Field up river to find yellowstoner-saw Big Horn Sheep and brought back horns. Lewis searched area thought it would be a good area for fort. Future forts were built, Fort Union and Fort Buford.
  • May 14 – A sudden storm tips a pirogue (boat) and many items, such as supplies and the Corps' journals, spill over into the river. Sacagawea calmly recovers most of the items; Clark later credits her with quick thinking.
  • April 25 to June 3 – Yellowstone River to Marias River.
  • April 27 – Entered present day state of Montana.
  • May 5 – Lewis and a hunter killed first grizzly bear.
  • May 8 – Milk river. Called because of its milky white appearance. Natives called it "a river which scolds all others".
  • June 3 to June 20 – Marias River to the Great Falls.
  • June 3 – The mouth of the Marias River is reached. Camp Deposit is established. Cached blacksmith bellows and tools, bear skins, axes, auger, files, 2 kegs of parched corn, 2 kegs of pork, a keg of salt, chisels, tin cups, two rifles, beaver traps. 24 lb of powder in lead kegs in separate caches. Hid red pirogue. Indians did not tell them of this river. Unable to immediately determine which river is the Missouri, a scouting party is sent to explore each branch, North fork (Marias), South fork (Missouri). Sgt. Gass and 2 others go up south fork. Sgt. Pryor and 2 others go up north fork. Can't decide which river is Missouri. Clark, Gass, Shannon, York and Fields brothers go up south fork. Lewis, Drouillard, Shields, Windsor Pryor, Cruzatte, Lepage go up north fork. Most men in expedition believe north fork is the Missouri. Lewis and Clark believe south fork is Missouri and followed that fork.
  • June 13 – Scouting ahead of the expedition, Lewis and four companions sight the Great Falls of the Missouri River, confirming that they were heading in the right direction. Lewis writes when he discovers the Great Falls of the Missouri. "When my ears were saluted with the agreeable sound of a fall of water and advancing a little further I saw the spray arrise above the plain like a column of smoke.....began to make a roaring too tremendous to be mistaken for any cause short of the great falls of the Missouri."
  • June 14 – Lewis takes off on an exploratory walk of the north side of the river. Lewis shoots a bison. While he is watching the bison die, a grizzly bear sneaks up on him and chases him into river.
  • June 21 to July 2 – A portage of boats and equipment is made around the falls.
  • June 27 – cached- desk, books, specimens of plants and minerals, 2 kegs of pork, 1/2 keg of flour, 2 blunderbusses, 1/2 keg of fixed ammo.,and other small articles.
  • June – 18.4 miles Clark surveyed route. Clark was the first white man to see falls from south side of river. As Clark was surveying route he discovered a giant fountain (Giant Springs).
  • June 22 to July 9 – Construction of iron framed boat used to replace pirogues. It was floated on July 9 but leaked after a rain storm. The boat failed and was dismantled and cached July 10.
  • July 10 to July 15 - Established canoe camp to construct 2 new dugout canoes to replace failed iron frame boat.
  • July 15 to August 8 - Great Falls to the Shoshone Indians. Left canoe camp with 8 vessels traveled through the Gates of the Mountains, to the Three Forks (the 3 rivers that make up the Missouri River, The Jefferson River, The Gallatin River and the Madison River). The expedition is 2464.4 miles from mouth of the Missouri River. They pass Beaverhead Rock.

